M5M51008AFP-70L – Mitsubishi Integrated Circuit (SOP-32)
The M5M51008BP,FP,VP,RV,KV,KR are a 1048576-bit CMOS
static RAM organized as 131072 word by 8-bit which are
fabricated using high-performance triple polysilicon CMOS
technology. The use of resistive load NMOS cells and CMOS
periphery result in a high density and low power static RAM.
They are low standby current and low operation current and ideal
for the battery back-up application.
The M5M51008BVP,RV,KV,KR are packaged in a 32-pin thin
small outline package which is a high reliability and high density
surface mount device(SMD).Two types of devices are available.
VP,KV(normal lead bend type package),RV,KR(reverse lead bend
type package). Using both types of devices, it becomes very easy
to design a printed circuit board
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